Bus to Seville from Tavira

How to go from Tavira to Seville by bus or car

Seville, Spain

Seville is just 1 hour and 45 minutes from Tavira by car, so it can be visited on a day trip (although we suggest an overnight stay, as the historic Spanish city has a significant number of great monuments worth visiting). There is also a bus connecting the two cities, but it arrives in Seville in the afternoon, not allowing any time for sightseeing before a return to Tavira on the same day. If you’re relying on public transportation and want to visit Seville from Tavira, you do need to stay overnight.

If you’re driving, take highway A22, and you’re at the Spanish border in 25 minutes. Once you cross the bridge over the Guadiana River to Spain, you just need to continue down highway A-49 for 1 hour and 20 minutes to Seville. The roads are excellent and there are signs everywhere, so you won’t even need a GPS.

The bus is operated by the Spanish Alsa company, and has one departure in the morning and two in the afternoon. This is subject to change at any time without notice, so always double check on the website.

The buses are comfortable, modern and air-conditioned, and take two hours to reach their final stop in Plaza de Armas, Seville’s main bus terminal, which is very central and within walking distance of the main tourist attractions. They depart from Tavira’s bus station, which is also very central. Tickets are sold at the ticket offices at the stations or on the website.

There are no trains from Portugal to Seville.